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Hi there, my name is Rowie Hooper and I am currently studying a Bachelor of Learning Management (Primary) through CQUniversity, Noosa Hub. I am currently taking part in a course "Managing E-Learning" by Flex. This blog will be used to document my learning through out this course. This course explores the technological competencies required within a 21st century connected society.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Digital Tool 1 - Youtube

In past experiences I have used YouTube videos in the classroom to allow the students to relate the topic to a real life example. This has been fantastic for students has it allows them to develop a wider understanding of the purpose and enrich their learning. Unfortunately YouTube is blocked for students at most schools however has an educator I have full access. I have also used YouTube clips to show students fun and interesting ways to learn maths. I have found several clips that I have used to introduce new ways to learn a particular topic which my students have found extremely useful.  Using digital Video are a create way to create an open environment and share with students and other classes. Not only have I viewed YouTube videos I have also created them for students who are absent from class to watch and catch up on that lessons work.  As an educator I find YouTube clips to be a great way to students to present their work to the class instead of typically at the front of the classroom with a view props. Plus videos posted on YouTube can be viewed over and over again. I have currently used this video in a classroom to point out to students the diversity in our world today. The YouTube video from an episode on “The Office” called “Diversity Day”.

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