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Hi there, my name is Rowie Hooper and I am currently studying a Bachelor of Learning Management (Primary) through CQUniversity, Noosa Hub. I am currently taking part in a course "Managing E-Learning" by Flex. This blog will be used to document my learning through out this course. This course explores the technological competencies required within a 21st century connected society.

Friday 18 November 2011

Week Two - TPACK

TPACK - Theoretical Pedagogy and Content Knowledge is a way of adding technology to the Pedagogical Content Knowledge that is being taught. TPACK is a theoretical framework designed to allow experts of a particular content area to support learning as well as develop their teaching with technology. It is also about building relationships between technology and teaching therefore transforming teaching practices.
The diagram below represents the blending of content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge otherwise known as PCK (Pedagogical Content Knowledge).

Before PCK was existent technology were considered to be separate. Technology was seen as an Independent knowledge domain show below.  However this is no long the case. Content knowledge, Pedagogical knowledge and technology subsequently form an overlay providing opportunity for good teaching which required and understanding of how technology relates to the pedagogy and content. TPACK is shown below.

Content Knowledge relates about actual subject matter.
Pedagogical Knowledge relates to the processes and practices or methods of teaching and learning.
Technology Knowledge relates to standard and advanced technologies.
Pedagogical Content Knowledge is how elements of the content can be arranged for more effective teaching.
Technological Content Knowledge is about the manner in which technology and content are related.
Technological Pedagogical Knowledge of the existence components and capabilities of technologies as they are used in teaching and learning therefore how teaching may change as a result of using particular technologies.

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