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Hi there, my name is Rowie Hooper and I am currently studying a Bachelor of Learning Management (Primary) through CQUniversity, Noosa Hub. I am currently taking part in a course "Managing E-Learning" by Flex. This blog will be used to document my learning through out this course. This course explores the technological competencies required within a 21st century connected society.

Sunday 20 November 2011

PMI Chart - Using a Wiki to teach content

A wiki is a website that any user can edit – right there live on the webpage, in real time – as well as read.  In its purest sense this means that any visitor to the site is also an author, with no technical controls on what they add or delete and no gatekeeping editorial process prior to posting; in more limited forms it means any user within a defined group who has access to the wiki – a project team working on collaborative documents, for example.

Using a wiki to teach content can be benefical. It provides opportunities for students to have their own input, change, add or delete text. Wikis have been found fantastic to coordinate group assignments etc. For example I have used a wiki during a group assignment. We all needed to communicate and found email dificult because you could only email one person at a time. However, wiki gave us the chance to communicate on a document that each member could access and share. The following PMI (Plus Minus Interesting) Chart is highting the benefits and negative things about using a wiki to teach a particular conent.

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